Monday, June 11, 2007

little updates of the little ones..

Last weeks, all three boys; Umar, Hafiz and Lutfil were down with fever.
Hafiz had been coughing for more than week and the Azidoe, and Virtec didn't help at all. Neither Mucosolvent (??) I recently bought a chinese herbs-base medicine, something like an ointment where you just rub a little portion of the liquid on the chest, neck and nose.
I guess, I should be more consistent on applying the medicine on Hafiz, then I will be seeing results in less than a week .. okay, sabar, sabar ..

Umar is in his normal mood, when it's time for school (taska). Almost every afternoon,when I pick him up from school, he would say: "Ibu, esok Umar tak nak pergi sekolah, okay.". I used to asked him why , but he didn't answer. Or sometimes he would say, "Arif buat Umar, or "tadi Arif marah Umar". What should I say? So, I just told him, "Arif tak sengaja kot" or "Umar main elok-elok dengan Arif, nanti dia baiklah dengan Uamr"..

Yesterday, I was driving to Giant Kajang, and as always, Umar would be the chosen one to follow me.

He asked me," Where are we going ?" " I don't want to go to school" (Kita nak pergi mana ni, Ibu? Umar tak nak pergi sekolah..)

Me: To Giant, we need to buy milk, remember? Why don't you want to go to school?
(Kita nak pegi Giant, kan kita nak beli susu)

Umar: The teacher said I don't know how to read, because I'm small.
(Cikgu kata Umar tak pandai baca, sebab Umar kecik lagi..!!)

What I don't understand is (wondering):

1. cikgu kata Umar tak pandai baca sebab Umar kecik or
2. cikgu kata Umar ni tak pandai baca , and THEN umar reasoned that he doesnn't know how to read because he is small

(btw, Umar is 3+ yo, will turn 4 yo this coming August)
I know that other kids could read when they turn 3, or 4 yo. But personally, I don't think that if he doesn't read when he is already 3+ yo, that's a bad sign, like "You are not smart enough".
Plus, I didn't actually sit with him and teach him like ABC, pointing to some cards ( hmm..I'm lazy , I guess) and then proceed to some phonic cards or whatsoever.
That's not my way. But, but, what i usually do with him, is to sit with him and read the book (read: as in pointing to the picture, identifying objects, shapes, colours, making up stories, making up dialogues, explaining to him how some things work, actually tell him the names and functions of stuffs and things, etc- (you know like planets, plants, bugs), answer his questions ( he always relates new things that he sees to the stuffs that you have told him previously and I'd be amazed at how he remembers, and understands and uses his 'database' to question you further about his surroundings!) . He loves books!

So, it's maybe my fault, then. I'm the one who didn't teach him enough. Instead of just singing Ants On The Apples, or ABC, or make up my own songs, or singing songs he learnt from school, maybe I should have a proper 'How-To-Read" lesson with him.

And oh yes, he likes to zikr as well. I remember a few times when we were shopping or at the wet market, (dok sibuk pilih udang), and he would go" Subhanallh, walhamdulillah, etc.."..all the way. Even at clinics. One Atuk-like gentleman, even commented ."Bagusnya dia berzikir, bertuah dapat anak cam dia". hehe..malulah i..

Next week, there would be a perjumpaan dengan guru for Umar. So, I guess, I would have a chance to ask how he is at school, in his class, does he seem to enjoy his day at school..

Oh yes, I meant to write that Lutfil has one tooth showing up, can hardly see it actually. tapi, when I put my fingers on it, woww..definitely terasa tajam..
I guess Hafiz has a rival now.. berhati-hati ..

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